This article will demonstrate how to free download and install Math Resource Studio Professional (v7.0.173) on your computer. You can download Math Resource Studio Professional (v7.0.173) from the direct link provided below.
Table of Contents
- Software
- Math Resource Studio Professional v7.0.173 System Requirements
- How to Install and Download Math Resource Studio Professional v7.0.173
- Files that are required
About the software
Math Resource Studio makes it easy to create differentiated math worksheets to address the educational needs of all your students. Make worksheets that match learning activity with learning need and help you to improve your math skills.
Math Resource Studio Professional includes the following features:
- Answer Blocks
- Serial Number
- Updated photo editor with full editing such as resizing and cropping. Rotation, flipping. Drawing, text, color adjustments, effects and more.
- Exercise Set Titles
- Background Grids
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Math Resource Studio Professional Professional. v7.0.173 System Prerequisites
- Windows-based PC (or a emulator that runs on Apple/Mac computers).
- Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 7, (with all the most recent service packs)
- 32-bit vs 64-bit editions
- 75 MB hard disk space
- 1024 x 768 screen resolution
- *.Net Framework 4.5.2
How do I download and install Math Resource Studio Professional version 7.0.173
- You can click the download buttons below to finish downloading all the files. Depending upon your download speed, this could take anywhere from a few seconds to several hours.
- Extract the downloaded files. Learn how to extract the files. QWERTY is the password for extracting.
- Run Setup.exe. Install the software